Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dolly Oxem Premieres

He's finally here... He came from nowhere and now he's going back...

Uploaded by Bullcrank. - See more comedy videos.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Script Fix

I've been currently revamping my screenplays to get ready for submission once again. I'm only submitting in two different contests this time. The first is Bluecat , which I have not previously submitted to. But this contest seems better than most because regardless of whether you win, they give you a one page analysis on your screenplay. This is good, not only due to the fact that you get notes on your work, but this also lets you know they are actually reading your script. Which I've got to imagine worries most script submitters about any contest. If I ever found out that I paid $50 for someone to read my title or the first 10 pages and throw it in the trash I'd be upset.

The other contest I'm entering into is ScriptPimp , which I have previously submitted to. I like this one cause everyone who enters gets the chance at many different prizes and also cause I get a discount since last year I won a 5 year membership.

My script 47 Guns has just been broken down from 130 pages to 112 pages. I've made huge scene changes in this newest draft. Action script is more exciting, the opening and closing scenes more epic, and dialog...may still need some work, but is acceptable. I've realized visualization is more important than any piece of dialog or exposition, especially for an action western.

Here are my Loglines and Synopses:

47 Guns


Shortly after the civil war, a Colorado orphanage is burned down by a ravenous capitalist for the expansion of a developing western town, many years later 47 orphans return seeking revenge.


47 Guns is a Western retelling on the legend of the 47 Ronin. In 1865 at the birth of a small town in Colorado, Ethan Burley, a former lawman and his wife Sarah take care of abandoned children in the aftermath of the Civil War. They soon find themselves in danger when a wealthy prospector Jonas Busirus demands that the family sell their land to him for the expansion of the town. On his death bed Jonas painfully passes this burden onto his son Jason telling him to secure the land by any means necessary. This promise leads to the orphanage burning and the murders of Ethan and Sarah Burley, leaving the boys abandoned once again.

After many years the only surviving blood son of the Burley family, Nathan, again finds himself in the small town along with his gang of orphaned brothers known as the 47 Guns. There to avenge the death of their family and to reclaim their lost home, they will take the town by any means necessary. However with wealth on his side and privately funding his own army, Jason proves a force to be reckoned with.



A banker, a drug trafficker, and a mysterious group dubbed the knights, bid for a lost package known as the Holy Gift. Three 'Runners' are hired to recover it, but find themselves with histories most sought after possession.


Chester, Jude, and Benson are runners hired to recover lost or stolen items for the criminally organized. After a briefcase goes missing at LAX airport, they are employed for the recovery by a powerful banker. However things get complicated when word gets around town concerning the run.

Now, Chester, Jude, and Benson find themselves caught up with a myriad of problems including a banker, a drug trafficker, a free-runner from North Africa, a Japanese waitress with a baseball bat, and mysterious group hailed the Knights. All of them wanting one thing, the discovery of histories most sought after possession known as the Holy Gift.



Messin' around, having some fun filming and editing Garrett and Will doing some break moves.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

I believe in Dolly Oxem

If you haven't heard of Dolly Oxem you soon will. I had a lot of fun going to production shoots every Sunday over the summer. Now after editing over six weeks of raw footage, things have finally wrapped up. Editing with Larry and Justin was a fun but at times manic process. In fact I kept a gun (Airsoft) handily next to my computer in case an audio clip decided it didn't want to cooperate or another dreaded crash. The pantomime of blowing your brains out seemingly has a similar affect to squeezing a stress ball. The two, eleven hour and two six hour encoding processes was perhaps enough for me to really want to shoot myself. But in the end the payoff is always a rewarding one.

Here is the new trailer I put together for it.

Dolly Oxem's Traveling Video Circus will premier LIVE January 30th at 8 P.M. EST on spread the word.


Monday, January 4, 2010


The most motivating piece of music ever written.

Motivated. Good. Now go out and get it!

Rejection Blues


*Accepted - 1

*Rejected - 11

*In Queue - 1

*In Progress - 2

*Shelf - 5

*Sold - 0


47 Guns: (In Queue)

Scriptapalooza Contest (Rejected)

Zoetrope Contest (In Queue-Feb. 2nd)

Runners: (SHELF)

Silver Screenwriting Competition (Rejected)

*Script Pimp Contest (Accepted - Prize Winner)

Another Shade of Black (Pilot): (SHELF)

Short Script Awards (Rejected)

Strange Creatures (In Progress)

Short Stories

Mysterium: (SHELF)

All Story Zoetrope Contest (Rejected)

Dark Horizons (Rejected)

Stratagem: (In Queue)

Murky Depths (Rejected)

Silver Thought (In Queue) Dec. 8

Haste: (SHELF)

Apex (Rejected)

Black Matrix Publishing (Rejected)

War of the Worlds (Rejected)

Twitch: (SHELF)

Apex (Rejected)

52 Stitches (Rejected)

Infinity Is A Sidewards 8: (In Progress)

Edit, rewrite, drink, smoke, write some more, submit more, get these stories off the SELF, just don't give up!


Friday, January 1, 2010

The Mystery Box

Inspiring stuff from JJ Abrams.