On Friday the 13th I found myself sitting in airplane on my way to LA for the first time. Why, well, after spending four years in college and several thousands of dollars for a piece of paper telling me I was a certified filmmaker, I felt obligated. However, the difference between an enjoyable experience and one of discontent defiantly lies in the company you keep, or in this case the company that kept me.
I first heard about the Longstreth Brothers when I was still in high school. The local newspaper had a write up on their new short, which at the time was The Wimp Whose Woman was a Werewolf. I got online and checked out some of their Eyeball Papercut shorts as well as Harvey Daggit and the Devil’s Olives (Which I thought was hilarious). I shot them an email which most likely at the time was written like a desperate fan. I never got a response back. Several years later, I’d be sitting in the airport eating McDonalds and waiting for a flight home from LA, having this very conversation with Larry.
Los Angeles