Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Battle of Los Angeles

On Friday the 13th I found myself sitting in airplane on my way to LA for the first time. Why, well, after spending four years in college and several thousands of dollars for a piece of paper telling me I was a certified filmmaker, I felt obligated. However, the difference between an enjoyable experience and one of discontent defiantly lies in the company you keep, or in this case the company that kept me.

I first heard about the Longstreth Brothers when I was still in high school. The local newspaper had a write up on their new short, which at the time was The Wimp Whose Woman was a Werewolf. I got online and checked out some of their Eyeball Papercut shorts as well as Harvey Daggit and the Devil’s Olives (Which I thought was hilarious). I shot them an email which most likely at the time was written like a desperate fan. I never got a response back. Several years later, I’d be sitting in the airport eating McDonalds and waiting for a flight home from LA, having this very conversation with Larry.

Los Angeles was a great and necessary experience. From goin out to Venice beach, gettin’ lost in the city. Getting advice from Seth of the 5 Moes, Hangin’ out with Jerry Constantine (Make up SFX pro), to having dinner with Mark Ordesky (Executive Producer of Lord of the Rings), I had a great time and look forward to whatever this means towards my future. No matter what happens, It was an experience I’ll never forget. Thanks and big ups to Larry and Aaron for inviting me out and letting me be apart of it.


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